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Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2018Safe Space Events Preceding Nuclear Sector. Transboundary Impact Assessment Procedures: Potential Implications for the Visegrad Countries and UkraineMihók, Peter
2021Sartre`s philosophy freedom and it is actualityГурик, Мирослава; Суровий, Владислав
2018Satisfiability Problems in Quasiary Program LogicsNikitchenko, Mykola; Shkilniak, Stepan; Tymofieiev, Valentyn
2020Sądowa próba pogodzenia małżonkówKrzywkowska, Justyna; Крживковська, Ю.
2011SBLWPR – similarity based link weight for pagerank calculationPoomagal, S.; Hamsapriya, Т.
2016SC-методика оцінки інтелектуального капіталу деревообробних підприємствКравчук, Наталія Олегівна
2019Scaling and effects of socio-cultural globalizationKhadzhynov, Illya; Shkurat, Mariia
2022SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL DIPLOMACY OF THE UNIVERSITYNedoshytko, Iryna; Stefanyshyn, Olena; Patriak, Oleksandra
2016Scientific and technical translation grammar problemsAgeicheva, Anna
2022Scientific management and modern managerial dilemmasRysak, Maksym; Batryn, Natalia
2024Se of artificial intelligence in accounting: negative and positive aspectsZadorozhnyi, Z-M. V.; Yasyshena, V. V.
2014Seamless and Secure Integration of Social Media, E-Portfolio and Alumni Services into University Information ArchitectureHelmich, Ontje; Herzog, Michael A.; Neumann, Christian
2021Searching for the ideal form of a state: strengths and weaknesses of deliberative democracy at the locallevel (some remarks concerning the polish example)Sokalska, Edyta
2009Sectioning of high dimensional banded matricesFedasyuk, Dmytro; Serdyuk, Pavlo; Semchyshyn, Yuriy
2021Securing the loan agreement of an entity conducting private medical activity in Poland by means of an assignment of receivables from a contract with the Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia (National Health Fund)Skorek, Piotr; Скорик, П.
2015Security of the global economic development in the environment of international financial centersЗварич, Роман Євгенович
2018SECURITY ON THE WEBSydorchuk, Ivan
2016Security studies development in a context of social security and human rightsДлугопольська, Тетяна Ігорівна
2022Security system for stateless personsDrakokhrust, Tetiana; Zhengrong, Luo; Дракохруст, Тетяна; Женгронг, Луо