Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 20 з 27
Дата випуску | Назва | Автор(и) |
2012 | Signalling in the Stock Markets: Evidence from Juventus FC | Wu, Maoguo |
2012 | Urban Income Inequality, Time and Income Sources Analyses in China | Wang, Feng; Liu, Xin |
2012 | Determinants and Projections of Demand for Higher Education in Portugal | Vieira, Carlos Rodrigues; Vieira, Isabel Viegas |
2012 | Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commercial Banks in Turkey Based on Financial Performances Using Linear Discriminant Analysis, Logistic Regression and Artificial Neural Network Models | Turkan, Semra; Polat, Esra; Gunay, Suleyman |
2012 | The Evaluation of Productivity Change of the Construction Companies in Thailand: An Application of Malmquist Index | Suebpongsakorn, Auttapol |
2012 | Tax Policy Harmonization and FDI: An Empirical Assessment | Sudsawasd, Sasatra; Mongsawad, Prasopchoke |
2012 | Structural Tax Reform and the Cyclical Behaviour of the Labour Market | Speigner, Bradley |
2012 | Social Welfare, Income, Consumption, Energy, and the Inequality Aversion of Society – a Case Study from Germany | Schlör, Holger; Fischer, Wolfgang; Hake, Jürgen-Friedrich |
2012 | Measuring Spatial Extension of Economic Globalization | Ruettimann, Bruno G. |
2012 | Economic Returns to Schooling in a Less Developed Country: Evidence for Indonesia | Purnastuti, Losina; Miller, Paul; Salim, Ruhul |
2012 | Peer Effects and School Design: Evidence from Swiss Lower Secondary Schools | Perini, Lionel |
2012 | Competitiveness in Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industries | Notta, Ourania; Vlachvei, Aspasia |
2012 | A Hump-Shaped Relationship between Inflation and Endogenous Growth | Miyazaki, Kenji |
2012 | The Analysis of Competitive Interdependencies Through «Social Network Analysis»: the Case Study of Extra-Virgin Olive Oil | Marchini, Andrea; Diotallevi, Francesco; Fioriti, Linda |
2012 | The Choice of the Appropriate Exchange Rate Policy For the Post-Socialist European Countries: A Theoretical Approach | Makris, Georgios; Siskou, Thomas |
2012 | Energy-Growth Causality: A Panel Analysis | Lau, Evan; Chye, Xiao-Hui; Choong, Chee-Keong |
2012 | Measuring Operation Efficiency of Thai Hotels Industry: Evidence from Meta-frontier Analysis | Khrueathai, Phanin; Untong, Akarapong; Kaosa-ard, Mingsarn; Villano, Renato Andrin |
2012 | Management Accounting Practises of Tourism Organizations: The Case of the Greek Show Caves | Kartalis, Nikos D.; Koulakiotis, Athanasios; Tzanakakis, Nikos |
2012 | Fieldwork Regarding Economics of Scale and Economies of Density: The Case of a Regional Bank | Isada, Fumihiko |
2012 | Was the Global Food Crisis Really a Crisis? Simulations Versus Self-Reporting | Headey, Derek |
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 20 з 27