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dc.contributor.authorLuchko, M.R., Лучко, Михайло Романович-
dc.identifier.citationLuchko, M. (2017). Economy of Ukraine: The analysis of the innovative way of the development . Economics, Management and Sustainability, 2 ( 2 ), 95 - 103 . doi: 1 0.14254/jems.2017. 2 - 2 . 10 .uk_UA
dc.description.abstractUkraine, unfortunately, is the poorest in Europe, being one of the largest territories and populations in it. After 25 years of independence, it de jure and de facto did not get independence, turning into a country – a big debtor. Today, all macro- and microeconomic indicators are disappointing in it. A significant problem is that its economy is a “war economy” now, which should be aimed at solving its own territorial problems. It is worth assessing the existing potential and systematically approaching the crisis for “recovery” despite its difficult condition. Taking into account the above, the theoretical exploration was made in the article, aimed at the practical solution of these problems.uk_UA
dc.publisherEconomics, Management and Sustainabilityuk_UA
dc.subjecteconomy of Ukraine, innovations, development, crisis, concept, improvement of the economy, institutional changes, development conceptsuk_UA
dc.titleEconomy of Ukraine: The analysis of the innovative way of the developmentuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті

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