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dc.contributor.authorАлексеєнко Людмила Михайлівна, Alekseyenko Lyudmyla-
dc.contributor.authorKosovych Olha-
dc.identifier.citationAlekseyenko Lyudmyla, Kosovych Olha. Prudential regulation of insurance activities: theoretical and applied imperatives in the context of financial uncertainty. Науковий вісник Одеського національного економічного університету: зб. наук. праць; за ред.: Д. В. Завадська (голов. ред.). Одеса: Одеський національний економічний університет. 2020. № 1-2 (274-275). С. 69-79.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe object of the study are the processes of prudential regulation in the field of insurance. One of the most problematic issues is the lack of developed theoretical and methodological and applied approaches to determining the features of prudential regulation and supervision of insurance activities in terms of financial uncertainty. On the basis of empirical generalizations in the article it has been proved that it is expedient to investigate the prudential regulation of insurance activities in terms of the system of regulation of insurance activities aimed at ensuring the stability of the insurance system (macroprudential regulation), as well as protecting the interests of clients of insurance companies and the financial stability of insurance companies (microprudential regulation). The fact that the development of insurance is characterized by a change in the regulatory framework under the regulatory supervision of the National Bank of Ukraine has been emphasized in the article. The main problems of institutional support of functioning and development of prudential regulation of insurance activity have been determined. The article has proposed to deepen the theoretical approaches to the implementation of prudential regulation of insurance activities in the modernization of the financial market, taking into account the interests and goals of participants in the financial ecosystem.uk_UA
dc.publisherОдеса: Одеський національний економічний університет.uk_UA
dc.subjectspatial development of economyuk_UA
dc.subjectstate regulationuk_UA
dc.subjectprudential regulationuk_UA
dc.subjectprudential supervisionuk_UA
dc.subjectinsurance businessuk_UA
dc.subjectfinancial marketuk_UA
dc.subjectfinancial uncertaintyuk_UA
dc.titlePrudential regulation of insurance activities: theoretical and applied imperatives in the context of financial uncertainty.uk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті

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