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dc.contributor.authorФліссак, Костянтин Андрійович-
dc.description.abstractВ статті розглянуто міграційну політику Польщі як країни-члена ЄС, її особливості в умовах сучасних міграційних процесів, можливості впливу на міграційні потоки. Відображено роль держави в управлінні рухом мігрантів. Привернуто увагу до дій Польщі в рамках правового поля ЄС і їх збалансування з національними інтересами суверенної держави. Акцентовано увагу на напрямах реалізації міграційної політики відповідно до ініціатив ЄС. На основі проведеного дослідження сформульовано пропозиції в частині врахування польського досвіду вирішення міграційних проблем для адаптації в українську практику. . In modern conditions, the role of states and international associations in regulating migration processes, developing and implementing an effective migration policy has become particularly relevant. These problems are quite acute for Poland, which, on the one hand, is a member of the EU and is obliged to implement joint directives within a single legal framework, and on the other hand, as a sovereign state, cannot ignore the existing risks for national security. For Ukraine, the practice of Poland is important for taking into account in the context of ensuring the implementation of the provisions of the Association agreement between the European Union and Ukraine, with the prevention of threats to national interests. The article considers the migration policy of Poland as an EU member state, its features in the context of modern migration processes, and the possibility of influencing migration flows. There is reflected the role of the state in managing the movement of migrants. Also there is drawn attention to Poland's actions within the EU legal framework and their balancing with the national interests of a sovereign state. There is focused special attention on the directions of implementation of migration policy in accordance with EU initiatives. Then are formulated proposals to take into account the Polish experience in solving migration problems for adaptation to Ukrainian practice. The study of the basics of Poland's migration policy, its specifics, features and tasks within the European Union legal framework shows a comprehensive approach to solving migration problems based on the principles of balancing the regulatory requirements of the EU and the national interests of a sovereign state. Based on an analytical review of the main provisions on the country's implementation of migration policy, there were obtained some conclusions, the main ones being the following. Despite its membership in the EU and the need to comply with common legal norms, Poland, as a sovereign state, in its migration policy tries to steadily defend national interests and exclude migration risks to national security. At the same time, ensuring the regulatory function of the state and its authorized institutions is clearly recorded. In the country's migration policy, attention is drawn to the actions of state authorities to take a set of measures aimed at reducing the negative impact of the presence of a large Polish diaspora abroad, while simultaneously implementing a rational migration policy to counteract the constant outflow of highly qualified personnel from the domestic market. Tasks are set to encourage Poles with experience and knowledge acquired abroad to return to the country in housing, family and educational policies. Due to the demographic factor and modern migration processes, one of the directions of Poland's migration policy is to create conditions for ensuring the arrival of migrants with high or rare qualifications in the country, to fill and reduce the shortage of human capital in sectors with high demand for qualifications. This position requires special attention from Ukraine and, in particular, its economic diplomacy, as these actions already create and can aggravate personnel problems for the domestic economy.uk_UA
dc.publisherЗахідноукраїнський національний університетuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesАктуальні проблеми правознавства.;2020-4-
dc.subjectміжнародні економічні відносиниuk_UA
dc.subjectекономічна дипломатіяuk_UA
dc.subjectміжнародна міграціяuk_UA
dc.subjectміграційна політикаuk_UA
dc.subjectправові нормиuk_UA
dc.subjectЄвропейський Союзuk_UA
dc.titleПольська міграційна політика в рамках права ЄСuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeФліссак К.А. Польська міграційна політика в рамках права ЄС. // Актуальні проблеми правознавства. – 2020. – № 4. – С.74-80uk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Актуальні проблеми правознавства 2020 рік Випуск 4

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