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dc.contributor.authorБіловус, Леся Іванівна-
dc.identifier.citationFedchyshyn, N., Romanchuk, O., Bilovus, L., Mysyk, O., Nazaruk, V., Yablonska, N., & Pantyuk, T. (2021). The health culture of future doctors through the prism of the health-preserving competence formation. Wadomości lekarskie, 74(8), 1931-1938.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe aim: To present the complex formation of all the outlined components and the interaction between them, it should be lead to the successful formation of a culture of health of future doctors. Materials and methods: The diagnostic stage of the experimental study covered 450 students of four higher medical educational institutions: I. Horbachevsky TernopilState Medical University (150 students), Lviv National Medical University named after D. Halytsky (100 students); Bukovynian State Medical University (100 students), Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University (100 students), Ukraine. Results and conclusions: Analysis of the dynamics of changes in the formation of personal practical and personaldeveloping components of the future doctors’ health culture from entry to final control allows us to conclude that the use of author’s methods in preparing students gives better results than traditional traininguk_UA
dc.subjectpersonal practical component, personaldeveloping component, health-preserving competence, future doctor, health cultureuk_UA
dc.titlehe health culture of future doctors through the prism of the health-preserving competence formationuk_UA
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