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dc.contributor.authorVivek, Ramakrishnan-
dc.identifier.citationVivek, R. A comprehensive review of environmental triangulation in qualitative research: methodologies, applications, and implications [Text] / Ramakrishnan Vivek // Journal of european economy. – 2023. – Vol. 22, № 4. – Р. 517-532.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractEnvironmental triangulation, a cornerstone of qualitative research, emphasizes the systematic exploration of phenomena across diverse environmental contexts, enhancing the depth, breadth, and credibility of research findings. This comprehensive review delves into the nuances of environmental triangulation, examining its methodologies, applications, advantages, limitations, and implications. The study elucidates the method’s foundational principles, contrasting it with other triangulation techniques like data, investigator, and methodological triangulation. While environmental triangulation offers a unique lens for capturing multifaceted insights, it also presents challenges in terms of logistics, cultural nuances, and data interpretation. The implications of this strategy are vast, influencing research design, data collection, analysis, and stakeholder engagement. With the integration of emerging technologies like AI and big data, environmental triangulation stands at the cusp of a transformative shift, offering promising prospects contrasted with ethical and methodological challenges. Contemporary trends indi cate an expansion of the method to encompass digital landscapes, interdisciplinary collaborations, and global challenges. This review serves as a comprehensive guide for scholars, illuminating the intricacies of environmental triangulation and charting its evolving trajectory in the qualitative research landscape.uk_UA
dc.subjectenvironmental triangulationuk_UA
dc.subjectqualitative research methodologiesuk_UA
dc.subjectinterdisciplinary collaborationuk_UA
dc.subjectdigital environmental contextsuk_UA
dc.titleA comprehensive review of environmental triangulation in qualitative research: methodologies, applications, and implicationsuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Журнал європейської економіки Том 22 (№4) Грудень 2023

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