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dc.contributor.authorShtokhman, Liliia-
dc.contributor.authorShylinska, Inna-
dc.identifier.citationconference «Vocational education and training in Ukraine and the World under the conditions of european integration challenges and civilization changes in the XXI century»uk_UA
dc.descriptionLearners may not see the value of translation as an activity to help them learn English, and instead see it as a specialized, and difficult, activity. For example, it is stated that by relying on translation, students don't develop the 'real world' strategies, which could help them to negotiate meaning and communicate when they need to make themselves understood or to understand someone who doesn't share their language. But many ELT teachers and theorists now see the validity and value of translation as an activity in communicative classrooms.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with the issue of teaching translation in a non-linguistic university. Its aim is to consider some of the many objections thinkers and practitioners have to translation, and some of the possible advantages of its use. Translation was the basis of language teaching for a very long time, and then was rejected as new methodologies started to appear. It was not so long ago that a great number of teachers admitted feeling guilty about using students’ L1 in the English classrooms.uk_UA
dc.publisherУніверситет Григорія Сковороди в Переяславіuk_UA
dc.subjectinterpretation, teaching, foreign language, methoduk_UA
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