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dc.contributor.authorSharov, Oleksandr-
dc.identifier.citationSharov, О. Trilemma of the strategic choice of Ukraine in conditions of economic globalization [Text] / Oleksandr Sharov // Journal of european economy. - 2012. - Vol. 11, № 3. - Р. 253-266.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractAnalysis of the criteria of choice of integration direction of Ukraine’s economy development within the framework of modern globalization is conducted. Some of issues of the problem were considered by the number of authors, such as I. Burakovskyi, A. Veselovskyi, A. Goncharuk, K. Hryshchenko, S. Tolstov, A. Shapovalova, R. Shpek etc. The author indicates the subjective and objective requirements regarding the different integration strategies and makes a conclusion concerning lack of options of Eurointegration direction, which is understood not as an aspiration to obtain a EU full-membership but as a provision of correspondence of European standards to the internal conditions of economic activity.uk_UA
dc.subjectInternational economic integrationuk_UA
dc.subjectfree trade areauk_UA
dc.subjectacquis communituk_UA
dc.titleTrilemma of the strategic choice of Ukraine in conditions of economic globalizationuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Журнал європейської економіки Том 11 (№3) Вересень 2012

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