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dc.contributor.authorAfanasiev, Yevhen-
dc.contributor.authorFertas, Nadjib-
dc.identifier.citationAfanasiev, Y., & Fertas, N. Diagnostics of competitiveness of the resource potential of the enterprise in the context of innovative needs taking into account the dynamics of intensity of markets for sale of commodity products. Economic analysis, 32 (1), 136-146.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article is based on the idea of forming conceptual foundations for diagnostics of the competitiveness of the resource potential of the enterprise based on the study of relevant innovation needs taking into account the dynamics of the intensity of markets for sale of commodity products. The relevance and importance of this study is emphasized by modern globalization and transformation processes in commodity markets, especially in markets of raw materials. Fluctuations in prices and rapid dynamics of change in both supply and demand require to ensure the stable development of the study of enterprises and analysis of competitiveness of their resource potential in order to form a further strategy for their successful development. The article develops tools for assessing the level of competitiveness of the resource potential of the enterprise in the context of innovation needs taking into account the dynamics of the intensity of markets for sale of commodity products based on the criterion of profit maximization «marginal revenue  marginal costs». On the basis of the conducted research the diagnostics of the level of competitiveness of the resource potential of the enterprise in the context of innovation needs taking into account the dynamics of intensity of markets for sale of commodity products, on which basis it is proposed to build an evaluation matrix. It is offered to apply a methodical approach of construction of a range of diagnostics of dynamics of change of a ratio of the net income and prime costs of the sold production of the enterprise. Using the data of financial statements, the calculation of quantitative values of the multiplicative integrated indicator of competitiveness of the resource potential of the enterprise in the context of the dynamics of markets for sale of commodity products (pellets) of PJSC «Poltava GZK» by the criterion «marginal revenue  marginal costs» in 2014, the integrated assessments of the level of competitiveness of the resource potential were built depending on the trends of its state in the context of the relevance of innovation needs, and taking into account the dynamics of the intensity of markets for sale of commodity products. According to the diagnostics of the dynamics of changes in the ratio of net income and cost of sales of the enterprise based on the criterion of profit maximization «marginal revenue  marginal costs» it was concluded that there is no special need for innovative changes at the moment at PJSC «Poltava GZK».uk_UA
dc.publisherЗахідноукраїнський національний університетuk_UA
dc.subjectmarginal costsuk_UA
dc.subjectinnovation needsuk_UA
dc.subjectresource potentialuk_UA
dc.subjectmarginal revenueuk_UA
dc.titleDiagnostics of competitiveness of the resource potential of the enterprise in the context of innovative needs taking into account the dynamics of intensity of markets for sale of commodity productsuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Економічний аналіз. 2022 рік. Том 32. № 1.

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