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Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2021Impacts of COVID-19 on Bangladesh economy: is the post COVID-19 Bangladesh economy risky?Hossain, Sharif
2021Government measures and economic activity during the COVID-19 outbreak: some preliminary short-term evidence from EuropeGiammanco, Maria Daniela; Gitto, Lara
2021Understanding emu asymmetries and their economic and political implicationsCasagrande, Sara
2021Historiosophical aspects of the monetary globalizationSharov, Oleksandr
2021Cluster model of organizing logistics in the region (on the example of the economic district «Podillya»)Trushkina, Nataliia; Dzwigol, Henryk; Kwilinski, Aleksy
2021Comparative advantages of international trade: the bilateral opportunities Portugal – Latvia, Portugal – Poland and Portugal – UkraineBotelho, José Manuel M.; Mietule, Iveta; Hushko, Serhii; Kulishov, Volodymyr
2021Урядові заходи та економічна діяльність під час спалаху COVID-19: деякі попередні короткострокові докази з ЄвропиДжіамманко, Марія Даніела; Джітто, Лара
2021Історіософські аспекти грошової глобалізаціїШаров, Олександр
2021Systemic approach to determining the safety of sustainable development of air transport: indicators, level, threatsBugayko, Dmytro; Kharazishvili, Yuri; Liashenko, Viachelsav; Kwilinski, Aleksy
2021Statistical methods for forecasting the development of demographic indicators in Ukraine: application contextLuchko, Mykhailo; Shesterniak, Mariia