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dc.contributor.authorАлексеєнко Людмила Михайлівна, Alekseyenko Lyudmyla-
dc.contributor.authorТулай Оксана Іванівна, Tulai Oksana-
dc.identifier.citationAlekseyenko Lyudmyla, Tulai Oksana. Mechanisms of international donor financing of affordable housing in the post-war recovery of the economy of Ukraine. Сучасні гроші, банківські послуги та фінансові інновації в умовах інтеграції України в ЄС: матеріали V всеук. наук.-практ. інтерн. конф. студ. аспір., молод. вчених і пров. фах-ів. (Київ, 12 квітн. 2023 р.). Дніпро: Середняк Т. К., 2023, 410 с. С. 10–12.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the study is to determine the theoretical concept and methodological provisions for assessing the organizational and legal basis of financing affordable housing for internally displaced persons. The set goal determines the solution of the following tasks: to review the methodological principles of market, state and mixed mechanisms of financing the development of the affordable housing market; to analyze the features of the national program for providing affordable housing for IDPs and determine its strategic directions, taking into account the possibilities of donor support; to describe the activities of the investment and construction consortium involving legal entities, individuals, non-profit organizations and public entities and the conditions of participation of consortium members in affordable housing programs; to identify economic and legal mechanisms for coordination between state and non-state institutions, simplification of public administrative services for IDPs, attraction of funds from international donors for the implementation of integration projects of affordable housing for IDPs.uk_UA
dc.publisherДніпро: Середняк Т. К.uk_UA
dc.subjectaffordable housinguk_UA
dc.subjectstrategic directionsuk_UA
dc.subjectaffordable housing programsuk_UA
dc.subjectaffordable housing marketuk_UA
dc.subjectnon-state institutionsuk_UA
dc.titleMechanisms of international donor financing of affordable housing in the post-war recovery of the economy of Ukraine.uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeМеханізми міжнародного донорства фінансування доступного житла у повоєнному відновленні економіки України.uk_UA
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