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Результати 1-10 зі 18.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2023Societal consequences of modern hybrid war: key dimensions in the context of UkraineBurlay, Tetiana; Grytsenko, Andrii; Borzenko, Olena
2023Society 4.0: general economic implicationsTurečková, Kamila; Nevima, Jan; Vaňová, Anna; Vitálišová, Katarína
2023Assessment of economic risks to secure development of UkraineFedorov, Eduard
2023A discourse on household expenditure in rural areas in the context of European economic studiesPasichnyk, Yurii; Sukach, Olena
2023The Marshall Plan: geopolitical prerequisites and economic impact on the participating nationsSokhatska, Olena; Chopyk, Yurii
2023Impact of uncertainty, anxiety, and depression on oncology patients’ quality of life: some evidence from Bulgaria and ItalyGiammanco, Maria Daniela; Gitto, Lara; Djambazov, Slaveyko
2023Structural deformations in the entrepreneurial sector and overcoming them: context of Ukrainian economic recoveryPidorycheva, Iryna; Liashenko, Viacheslav
2023New guidelines for the application of international accounting and reporting standards after BrexitShkulipa, Liudmyla
2023Globalization of money. Discussion of professor o. sharov's monographs on the development of monetary relations in historical retrospect and perspective-
2023Соцієтальні наслідки сучасної гібридної війни: ключові виміри в контексті УкраїниБурлай, Тетяна; Гриценко, Андрій; Борзенко, Олена