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dc.contributor.authorСисоєва, Інна Миколаївна-
dc.contributor.authorГоловай, Надія Миколаївна-
dc.contributor.authorГриник, Олена Ігорівна-
dc.identifier.citationСисоєва І. М., Головай Н.М., Гриник О.І. Громадський контроль як форма соціального аудиту:особливості здійснення та перспективи подальшого розвитку. Інвестиції: практика та досвід. 2024. № 17. С. 26–31. DOI: 10.32702/2306-6814.2024.17.26uk_UA
dc.identifier.issnISSN: 2306-6814 (друк.)-
dc.description.abstractThe article considers the role of public control as an effective tool of social audit. An analysis of the main methods and mechanisms of its implementation was carried out, in particular, public participation in the evaluation of the activities of authorities, enterprises and organizations. The article also outlines the key challenges facing its implementation and the prospects for further development of this form of social audit in the context of increased transparency and accountability of government structures and business. It has been proven that the SWOT— analysis of public control has both advantages and disadvantages compared to other methods. The main advantages include its simplicity and the possibility of application under the conditions of minimal costs. This approach also contributes to organizing information about external and internal factors affecting strategic planning processes. One of the important aspects is the ability to identify the competitive advantages of the enterprise, as well as to form strategic priorities. SWOT analysis allows for regular assessment of market conditions and resource potential of the enterprise. It has been confirmed that the involvement of stakeholders at all stages of social assessment allows not only to collect their views and assessments about the project, but also to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented government measures and develop additional strategies to minimize potential risks. In a society undergoing transformation, social assessment is an important tool for the successful implementation of reforms that take into account diverse perspectives and approaches. Public control is an important problem that requires effective legal regulation in modern Ukraine. This concept covers various aspects of social life that affect the political, legal and scientific spheres. Experts emphasize that control by citizens is not limited to monitoring the activities of state institutions, but involves the active participation of the public in the process of policy formation and implementation, protection of human rights, solving environmental issues and other socially important problems.uk_UA
dc.publisherІнвестиції: практика та досвід № 17/2024uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesЕкономічна наука;-
dc.subjectКлючові слова: громадський контроль, соціальний аудит, контроль, громади.uk_UA
dc.subjectKey words: public control, social audit, control, communitiesuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті

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Inv+17-2024_Sysoieva.pdfThe article considers the role of public control as an effective tool of social audit. An analysis of the main methods and mechanisms of its implementation was carried out, in particular, public participation in the evaluation of the activities of authorities, enterprises and organizations. The article also outlines the key challenges facing its implementation and the prospects for further development of this form of social audit in the context of increased transparency and accountability of government structures and business. It has been proven that the SWOT— analysis of public control has both advantages and disadvantages compared to other methods. The main advantages include its simplicity and the possibility of application under the conditions of minimal costs. This approach also contributes to organizing information about external and internal factors affecting strategic planning processes. One of the important aspects is the ability to identify the competitive advantages of the enterprise, as well as to form strategic priorities. SWOT analysis allows for regular assessment of market conditions and resource potential of the enterprise. It has been confirmed that the involvement of stakeholders at all stages of social assessment allows not only to collect their views and assessments about the project, but also to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented government measures and develop additional strategies to minimize potential risks. In a society undergoing transformation, social assessment is an important tool for the successful implementation of reforms that take into account diverse perspectives and approaches. Public control is an important problem that requires effective legal regulation in modern Ukraine. This concept covers various aspects of social life that affect the political, legal and scientific spheres. Experts emphasize that control by citizens is not limited to monitoring the activities of state institutions, but involves the active participation of the public in the process of policy formation and implementation, protection of human rights, solving environmental issues and other socially important problems.1.24 MBAdobe PDFПереглянути/Відкрити

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